Friday, October 14, 2011

A Very Rambling Blog on FEAR

FEAR - It cripples. It confuses. It delays. It destroys.

So many people live their lives in fear. Worse, so many CHRISTIANS live their lives in fear!

Fear causes us to not do things that we KNOW are best for us, our family, our organization. Fear us used by Satan to hold us back in so many ways. Fear blinds us to the truth. Fear rules our lives!

But, what defeats fear? What overcomes fear? What wins over fear?


Perfect love casts out all fear.

Love sees right, does right.

Love commits to TRUTH and does not let FEAR hide the truth. Love insures that others needs, wants, desires are put ahead of our own.

One final thought: IT'S ALL A CHOICE!

What are you choosing today? Will you let fear win? Or, will you choose love? The kind of love that risks, trusts, and - most of all - puts others first? Our Heavenly Father put us first with His love when He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross so that we could overcome fear, and spend eternity with Him. Should we not put others first so we can live in love (instead of fear) for this short time we have here on earth?

Face your fears, and choose to LOVE today!