Sunday, November 3, 2013

People Watching... Ever Wonder If God Is?

It’s really amazing to sit in an airport for a while. There’s the hustle, the bustle, the sounds, etc. But the more you watch, the more you see life passing by you. People of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, languages, and especially all kinds of paces being struck. Some are leisurely walking along, taking things in. Some are into a conversation with another person as they walk. And some, unfortunately for them, are moving at an accelerated pace with a look of, “Will I make it?” on their face.

It occurs to me that everyday life can sometimes be captured with similar words. Sometimes it’s a leisurely pace, sometimes it’s hurried. Sometimes we’re walking, or even running along, and we’ve got it all together. We’re just running because we choose to do so. But, there are those other times when, no matter the pace we’re moving, we definitely don’t have an answer to the “Will I make it?” question.

Maybe that’s even you today. Maybe you are wondering how, or even if you’ll make it. Maybe it’s as simple as trying to get to work on that last bit of fumes in your car’s tank. Or maybe it’s paying the rent this month. Or, maybe it’s far more serious and involves your health. We’ve all got those times where we wonder if we’ll “make it.”

Can I encourage you about something, friend? Our Lord, YOUR creator, loves you! He loves you so much that He is willing to watch you in your “will I make it?” times. And, though He already knows the outcome, He also knows that it’s the JOURNEY that makes the difference.

If we were to find out we had an issue with our bills, but knew already that more income is at our disposal to remedy the situation, we probably will not have experienced a lot of growth from that. If we heard the doctor say something concerned him, only to have him dismiss it a moment later, we probably would not experience all that God has for those who endure much longer periods of uncertainty and questions with their health.

But, no matter where you are, and what you are experiencing today, you should know that He loves you, and is THERE with you! Whether you sense it or not doesn’t change the truth that He said, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” Our God loves us, and wants to watch – and WALK – every bit of our struggle with us! So, in your struggle today, know that He is in it with you. Reach out with your heart and find Him waiting to hold you, love you, and reassure you.

He’s got this!

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