Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sometimes, You Just Don't Know What To Say...But Then Again...

Sometimes, I'm just dying to write, but don't know what I have to say. Sometimes I’m just not sure. But, today, I just want to reiterate my desire to help folks see that - no matter what they’ve heard, thought, or been taught - God is NOT a judgmental, rules-based, “so holy He can’t deal with your sin” kind of God. God is LOVE. Says so right there in the Bible. I’m talking about that same Bible that so many have used to place guilt, pressure, and judgment on others. I should know, I’ve been that person before!

But, as a person who has learned how badly I needed to understand that I am loved by my Creator, by the one who never changes, no matter WHAT I’ve done or will do, I am now really passionate to help others see that, too. You see, I don’t believe that being the Face of God to the world is supposed to be about showing others how far from perfect they are. I don’t even think it’s supposed to be about showing them the error of their ways. I DO think it is supposed to be about being the FACE OF GOD! And, if we can’t be love, above all else, how can we be the face of a God who the Bible says IS love?

Oh, and that holiness thing? A friend of mine, who is a far more advanced Biblical scholar than I am, recently pointed out that the Hebrew word for the holiness that the Bible says to pursue literally means to “be becoming holy.” You see, it’s a process! It is not a destination. Paul addressed this when He told us that Jesus Himself, who WAS God, still “did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped.” (Phil 2:6) And, when the Bible speaks of God’s Holiness, it is capitalized. This designates God’s Holiness from the “holiness” which we are to be ever achieving.

So, the next time some “Christian” makes their conversation more about what is wrong with you than they do about what God thinks is RIGHT with you, remember what you read here. And, realize that many of those “Christians” have some really hard days coming down the road – if they ever REALLY meet the God they like to speak of, but not actually know!

One more thing... if the "Christians" I mention above are your reason for not attending church anymore, why don't you quit letting "those people" be the reason you are not spending time with Him? Maybe you could go on a search for an authentic, Bible-based congregation that loves Him, loves each other, and wants you to be part of their family? If you are in the Knoxville, TN area, I can recommend a couple. Just give me a shout in the comments below!

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