Friday, January 22, 2010

Favorite Joke Ever

Well, figured I might as well get this one out of the way!

A professor is getting ready to go to work one day when his wife ties a string around his finger.

"What's that for?", he asks.

"I don't want you to forget, we're moving today.", says she.

"I won't forget!", says he.

"No, you won't. Not since I put the string on your finger."

He goes off to teach for the day, and at the end of the day, he is packing up his briefcase when, you guessed it, he spots the string on his finger for the first time all day. Of course, he can't remember what he was supposed to "not forget", and goes straight home to the old house. Finding the door locked, and realizing the house is empty, he finally remembers, "That's right, we moved today. Now, if I could just remember where we moved to!"

He sits on the front steps for several minutes, then spots some children playing next door. Calling to one little girl, he says, "Honey, could you come over here a minute?"

"Yes, sir?", the little girl says upon arriving in front of the professor.

"Do you know the family that used to live in this house?", he asks her.

"Yes, sir." she says.

"Well, do you happen to know where they moved?", he inquires.

After a brief pause, she finally says:

"Come on, Daddy. Momma said you wouldn't remember!"

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